Calle Lanzarote


RonmielI suspect that the first time I drank Ronmiel was at the Simposio restaurant in Puerto del Carmen – now sadly closed.  At the very least, it was there that I discovered what the drink was called.

Ronmiel is a blended mixture of rum (ron) and honey (miel), and is often served as a drink when paying the bill at a restaurant.  Produced in the Canary islands, it has, as you may expect, a sweet taste.

Our enquiries about it were met with the advice to enjoy it whilst on Lanzarote, but not to try and replicate the atmosphere with it back at home.  The taste, apparently, is just not the same as when it is served chilled whilst enjoying a warm sea breeze.

In a way, I have to agree.  But that still did not stop us buying a bottle to enjoy on warm summer evenings whilst airside in the airport to take home with us.  But that’s another story.

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6 Responses to “Ronmiel”

  1. Wilma & Gert-Jan from Holland Says:

    We visit Lanzarote twice a year and on our trip back home we take 2 litres (max. tax free) with us to enjoy Lanzarote at home as well. It’s not the real thing, but our imagination does the rest!

  2. Mike CJ Says:

    Many a balmy night spent imbibing the stuff……

  3. Transporting bottles | Calle Lanzarote Says:

    […] « Ronmiel […]

  4. El Puerto, Puerto del Carmen | Calle Lanzarote Says:

    […] when asked for the bill – can just say to his guests “slowly”.  A glass of Ronmiel with whipped cream on top doesn’t make up for that […]

  5. The Waterbus from Puerto Calero to Puerto del Carmen | Calle Lanzarote Says:

    […] trip cost 6EUR for adults and 4EUR (as of October 2011) for children and even included a drink of Ronmiel for the adults on board! It should, however, be noted that there are no discounts for groups or for […]

  6. Der Waterbus von Puerto Calero nach Puerto del Carmen | Calle Lanzarote (DE) Says:

    […] für Kinder (Stand: Oktober 2011) und für die Erwachsenen beinhaltete dies sogar ein Gläschen Ronmiel!  Es sollte aber beachtet werden, dass es keinen Gruppen- oder Seniorenrabatt […]

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